I finally got a bunch of arrows finished and off to their new homes.
For your viewing pleasure, in no particular order, here they are:
Mario said he wanted something unique, it just had to have green and white somewhere in the design. If these aren't unique, I don't know what is. When I'm asked how I do this design my usual answer is, "a very small brush and about two hours per arrow." It's a little easier than that, but I'll keep my secret unless you email and ask, then I'll let you in on it.

Steve isn't particularly worried about what his arrows look like. He knows what he wants in colors and he leaves the rest up to me. They usually turn out satisfactory.
Steve hasn't seen these arrows yet, he wasn't at the Pasadena gathering when I brought them.
He'd better show up for February, I had to turn down a couple offers to buy them.
Garry is a little perturbed with his son. The dang kid took Garry's bow and a set of arrows I'd made for it and went and collected a couple nice California deer. Now he won't give either the bow or the arrows back to his dad. So Garry had to order this set for himself.
These arrows have horn reinforced self-nocks and the leading edge of the fletching is wrapped with thread. Garry's bow doesn't have a shelf so the arrow rests on his hand. With the thread wrapping the feather won't cut his hand.
Gilbert wanted a set of bright arrows, he got bright arrows.
Gilbert also wanted a set of less bright arrows, so he got them, too.

Greg has the right idea, he tells me what spine he wants and to go with banana fletch, then he says, "Use your imagination." He's been pretty happy so far.
It's difficult to see in this picture but there is red mixed into the black crown. In shade it's not very obvious but in the sunlight it really pops out for a special look.
Sig wants bright arrows, too. Two sets of them.
That's it for now. I've still got another two sets to wrap the thread on the fletching. I'll post pictures of those once I'm finished with them.
Now maybe I'll have time to do a new set of arrows for myself...