Richard Saffold is a bowmaker in Goleta, California. You can see his website here: Richard's Bowyery. While he's accomplished in many materials and a number of designs, Richard particularly likes working with ipe, a Brazilian hardwood normally used in the US for decks. Richard was one of the pioneers of working with this wood and he really turns out an incredible bow.
When necessary, Richard likes to send out a matched arrow with a bow. That way the customer has an idea of what to get when he orders or makes his arrows. This bunch of arrows I've made have the spine and weight written on that white strip right in front of the cresting.
Not a lot of art on these arrows. Richard will be using them for test shooting and some may go out with various bows as they get shipped to their new homes. It's been a little while since I used stains or dyes on the crown so I thought this bunch would be a good opportunity to reacquaint myself with the beauty of still seeing the wood grain in the crown.

Congrats on passing the 1000 mark on your blog.
Woo hoo! Check that out. Hardly any comments to speak of but it looks like the blog is getting viewed by someone.
Hey I check it out when I can just not a comment type of guy.
Keep up with the great work and I look forward to seeing more.
Thanks, Garith. Even if you don't say much (neither do I, apparently) I still appreciate you being here.
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