Monday, January 16, 2012

Arrow Raffle for a Worthy Cause

Many readers of this blog know that I participate in a group that does historical recreation called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).
On January 6 a gentleman whom I knew through the SCA passed away unexpectedly. Scott Jaqua, known in the SCA as Njall Olaf Hagerson was one of the first people I met at an SCA event so many years ago. In addition to his many other accomplishments in the Society he had a long and honorable presence on the archery field and shared freely of his knowledge and time.

Like many of us independent craftspeople trying to make a living by our own wit and skills, Scott and his wife didn’t have a lot of extra money. Nor do I think they had anything in the way of health insurance to help cover his final medical expenses.
In an effort to assist Scott’s dear wife, Sandra, I am offering a raffle for one dozen custom arrows. Chances are $5 each and 100% of the money gathered will be sent to her.

If the winner of the raffle is in the lower 48 states I shall pay for shipping of the arrows. If the winner is in Hawaii, Alaska, or a country other than the USA I ask that they help with half of the shipping charges and be responsible for any customs duties.

The dozen arrows will be made to the winner’s specifications and they will be ready to shoot when received. Open season on the arrow artwork, if I can do it I will. If you are a regular reader of this blog you have an idea for the kind of arrow artwork I do. If you are not familiar with my work I encourage you to scroll through previous posts here to see samples. You can also visit the Greenman Archery website to see the galleries there.

I will be happy to take entries to this raffle by PayPal, money order, or check. For more details or to arrange to send me an entry, please contact me at Individuals are encouraged to enter as many times as they wish.
I will also be able to take entries to the raffle in person at SCA events I will be attending in the next month:

Gyldenholt Unbelted, January 21 in Garden Grove, CA

Festival of the Rose and Olde-Tymer’s Tourney, February 11 in Lake Balboa, CA

Arts and Archery, February 18 in Los Angeles, CA

Queen’s Champion Archery and Thrown Weapons and Barony of the Angels Robin Hood Tourney, February 26 in Van Nuys, CA

I will not be selling at the first three events but I will be there with my bow bench to work on something. I’ll probably be the only one with a shave horse doing this kind of activity but you can also look for the Greenman banner. At the last event I will have my full booth so I’ll be quite easy to find.

Many thanks to Fayme for taking these pictures. I usually take my own camera but I almost always forget to use it. And how about that great banner she just made for me?

The raffle will be open until a few minutes before closing court at the SCA event, Queen’s Champion Archery and Thrown Weapons and Barony of the Angels Robin Hood Tourney on February 26 of this year at the Woodley Park archery range in Van Nuys, CA. With the permission of those running the event, the drawing will be held at closing court. Of course, the winner need not be present.

Legal disclaimer:
Please note that this is a privately organized raffle and is not sponsored or endorsed by any SCA group or authority. The raffle is open to anyone interested, you need not be an SCA member.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Really beautiful action from your part. This is noble. Congratulations. Can you calculate for me how much it will be if you send this dozen arrows for me at Brazil in:

    Rua Antônio de Godoy, 3548, Edifício San Marino, apartamento 11, São José do Rio Preto - São Paulo/Brasil, CEP: 15015-100.

  2. You can answer it for my email: if you prefer. But maybe post it here it will be better for others readers from other country's have an idea of how much is to import your arrows.

  3. Thanks for your interest, Stefano.
    It looks like the shipping cost would be about $36.00 USD.
    I'll pay half of the shipping but the recepient would be responsible for any import or customs duties levied by the destination country.
